Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Great Multitasking Lie

  • ​Many people think they are good multitaskers, but that is actually a myth, especially when it comes to cell phone use while driving. This infographic from the National Safety Council will show you why.

  • Multitasking is a myth

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Why cell phone distracted driving is severely under-reported

  • Why cell phone distracted driving is severely under-reported

    ​We know cell phone-related car crash deaths are a problem. We just don't know how big the problem is. NSC partnered with Nationwide Insurance to produce a white paper and an infographic, which show how the number of crashes may be greater than we think.
  • There is no simple way to know whether a cell phone was involved in a crash
  • Drivers in crashes aren't admitting to cell phone use of may even be killed
  • It is difficult to obtain cell phone records
  • Witnesses' memories and statements can be inaccurate
  • Key Causes of Under-Reporting

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hands-free is not risk-free

  • Hands-free devices: A false sense of security

    ​Think using a hands-free device while driving makes you safer? Think again. You may be surprised at how this NSC infographic shows the cell phone conversation is distracting. In order to stay safe, you need your eyes on the road, your hands on the wheel, and your mind on driving.
  • Hands-free is not risk-free

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

  • Employers can play a leading role in ending to distracted driving by putting cell phone policies in place. This infographic from the National Safety Council will show you how.

  • Reduce the risk of the #1 cause of workplace death

    ​Did you know the leading cause of workplace death is car crashes? NSC estimates aquarter of crashes involve cell phones. Learn more about this workplace danger in this infographic and how employers can take the lead by putting cell phone policies in place.

Driving Down Distraction